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AbortException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
AbortException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.AbortException
add(List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.MultiByteBufferInputStream
ADD - com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
ADMIN - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRole
annotationType() - Method in class com.fauna.annotation.FaunaFieldImpl
annotationType() - Method in class com.fauna.annotation.FaunaIdImpl
Array - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
asyncQuery(Query) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
asyncQuery(Query, ParameterizedOf<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
asyncQuery(Query, ParameterizedOf<E>, QueryOptions) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
asyncQuery(Query, Class<T>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
asyncQuery(Query, Class<T>, QueryOptions) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
asyncStream(Query, Class<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Start a Fauna stream based on an FQL query, and return a CompletableFuture of the resulting FaunaStream publisher.
asyncStream(StreamRequest, Class<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Send a request to the Fauna stream endpoint, and return a CompletableFuture that completes with the FaunaStream publisher.
AuthenticationException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
AuthenticationException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.AuthenticationException
AuthorizationException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
AuthorizationException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.AuthorizationException


BaseCodec<T> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
BaseCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseCodec
BaseDocument - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents the base structure of a document.
BaseDocument(Module, Instant) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Initializes a new instance of the BaseDocument class with the specified collection and timestamp.
BaseDocument(Module, Instant, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Initializes a new instance of the BaseDocument class with the specified collection, timestamp, and initial data.
BaseDocument.Entry - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents a key-value pair in the document.
BaseDocumentCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
BaseDocumentCodec(CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseDocumentCodec
BaseFaunaClient - Class in com.fauna.client
FaunaClient is the main client for interacting with Fauna.
BaseFaunaClient(FaunaConfig) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.BaseFaunaClient
Construct a new FaunaClient instance with the provided FaunaConfig, using default HTTP config and retry strategy.
BaseFaunaClient(FaunaConfig, HttpClient, RetryStrategy) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.BaseFaunaClient
Construct a new FaunaClient instance with the provided FaunaConfig and HttpClient.
BaseRef - Class in com.fauna.types
BaseRef(Module) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.BaseRef
Constructs a new Ref object with the specified id and collection.
BaseRefCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
BaseRefCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseRefCodec
BoolCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
BoolCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BoolCodec
Boolean - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
build() - Method in class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy.Builder
build() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.Builder
Builds and returns a new FaunaConfig instance.
build() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope.Builder
build() - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy
builder() - Static method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig
Creates a new builder for FaunaConfig.
builder() - Static method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
builder() - Static method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions
builder(String) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope
Builder() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
Builder(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope.Builder
buildRequest(Query, QueryOptions, CodecProvider) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
Builds and returns an HTTP request for a given Fauna query string (FQL).
buildStreamRequest(StreamRequest) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
buildStreamRequestBody(StreamRequest) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
ByteArrayCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
ByteArrayCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
ByteCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
ByteCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteCodec
Bytes - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
BYTES - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType


canonical(String) - Static method in class com.fauna.mapping.FieldName
canRetry(int) - Method in class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy
canRetry(int) - Method in class com.fauna.client.NoRetryStrategy
canRetry(int) - Method in interface com.fauna.client.RetryStrategy
Returns true if the given retry attempt will be allowed by this strategy.
CharCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
CharCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.CharCodec
ClassCodec<T> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
ClassCodec(Class<T>, CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ClassCodec
client() - Static method in class com.fauna.client.Fauna
Create a default Fauna client.
client(FaunaConfig) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.Fauna
Create a Fauna client with the given FaunaConfig (and default HTTP client, and RetryStrategy).
client(FaunaConfig, HttpClient, RetryStrategy) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.Fauna
Create a Fauna client with the given FaunaConfig, HTTP client, and RetryStrategy.
ClientException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ClientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientException
ClientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientException
ClientGeneratedId - com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
ClientRequestException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ClientRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientRequestException
ClientRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientRequestException
ClientResponseException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ClientResponseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientResponseException
ClientResponseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientResponseException
ClientResponseException(String, Throwable, int) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ClientResponseException
close() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Codec<T> - Interface in com.fauna.codec
CodecException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
CodecException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.CodecException
CodecException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.CodecException
CodecProvider - Interface in com.fauna.codec
CodecRegistry - Interface in com.fauna.codec
CodecRegistryKey - Class in com.fauna.codec
CodecRegistryKey(Class<T>, Type[]) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistryKey
Coll - com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
com.fauna.annotation - package com.fauna.annotation
com.fauna.client - package com.fauna.client
com.fauna.codec - package com.fauna.codec
com.fauna.codec.codecs - package com.fauna.codec.codecs
com.fauna.codec.json - package com.fauna.codec.json
com.fauna.constants - package com.fauna.constants
com.fauna.env - package com.fauna.env
com.fauna.exception - package com.fauna.exception
com.fauna.mapping - package com.fauna.mapping
com.fauna.query - package com.fauna.query
com.fauna.query.builder - package com.fauna.query.builder
com.fauna.query.template - package com.fauna.query.template
com.fauna.response - package com.fauna.response
com.fauna.response.wire - package com.fauna.response.wire
com.fauna.stream - package com.fauna.stream
com.fauna.types - package com.fauna.types
computeOps - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
ConstraintFailure - Class in com.fauna.response
ConstraintFailure(String, String, List<List<Object>>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.ConstraintFailure
ConstraintFailureException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ConstraintFailureException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ConstraintFailureException
ConstraintFailureWire - Class in com.fauna.response.wire
ConstraintFailureWire() - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.wire.ConstraintFailureWire
contains(CodecRegistryKey) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistry
contains(CodecRegistryKey) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecRegistry
containsKey(String) - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Determines whether the document contains the specified key.
ContendedTransactionException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ContendedTransactionException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ContendedTransactionException
contentionRetries - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
create() - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator


data - Variable in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
DATA_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
database - Variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope.Builder
Date - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
DATE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.Codec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseDocumentCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseRefCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BoolCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.CharCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ClassCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DoubleCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DynamicCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.EnumCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.FloatCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.InstantCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.IntCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ListCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LocalDateCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LongCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.MapCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ModuleCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.NullableDocumentCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.OptionalCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.PageCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryArrCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryLiteralCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryObjCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryValCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ShortCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StreamTokenResponseCodec
decode(UTF8FaunaParser) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StringCodec
decodingIOException(IOException) - Static method in exception com.fauna.exception.CodecException
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.FaunaEndpoint
DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
DefaultCodecProvider - Class in com.fauna.codec
DefaultCodecProvider(CodecRegistry) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecProvider
DefaultCodecRegistry - Class in com.fauna.codec
DefaultCodecRegistry() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecRegistry
delayRequest(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>, int) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RetryHandler
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.json.PassThroughDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.json.QueryTagsDeserializer
Document - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents a document.
Document - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
Document(String, Module, Instant) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.Document
Initializes a new instance of the Document class with the specified id, coll, and ts.
Document(String, Module, Instant, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.Document
Initializes a new instance of the Document class with the specified id, coll, ts, and additional data stored as key/value pairs on the instance.
DocumentRef - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents a document ref.
DocumentRef(String, Module) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.DocumentRef
Constructs a new Ref object with the specified id and collection.
Double - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
DOUBLE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
DoubleCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
DoubleCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DoubleCodec
DriverEnvironment - Class in com.fauna.env
DriverEnvironment(DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver) - Constructor for class com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment
DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver - Enum in com.fauna.env
DynamicCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
DynamicCodec(CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DynamicCodec


encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, byte[]) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Query) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, QueryArr) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryArrCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, QueryLiteral) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryLiteralCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, QueryObj) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryObjCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, QueryVal) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryValCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, StreamTokenResponse) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StreamTokenResponseCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, BaseDocument) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseDocumentCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, BaseRef) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseRefCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Module) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ModuleCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Boolean) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BoolCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Byte) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Character) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.CharCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Double) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DoubleCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Float) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.FloatCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Integer) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.IntCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Long) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LongCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Object) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DynamicCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Short) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ShortCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, String) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StringCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, Instant) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.InstantCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, LocalDate) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LocalDateCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, L) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ListCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, L) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.MapCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, L) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.NullableDocumentCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, L) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.OptionalCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, L) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.PageCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, T) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.Codec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, T) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ClassCodec
encode(UTF8FaunaGenerator, T) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.EnumCodec
encode(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder.QueryTags
encodingIOException(IOException) - Static method in exception com.fauna.exception.CodecException
END_ARRAY - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
END_DOCUMENT - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
END_OBJECT - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
END_PAGE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
END_REF - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
endpoint(String) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.Builder
Sets the endpoint URL.
Entry(String, Object) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument.Entry
EnumCodec<T> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
EnumCodec(Class<T>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.EnumCodec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistryKey
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryArr
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryLiteral
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryObj
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryVal
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamTokenResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseRef
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.DocumentRef
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.Module
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.NamedDocument
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.NamedDocumentRef
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.NonNullDocument
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
equals(Object) - Method in class com.fauna.types.Page
ERROR - com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
ERROR_ABORT_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception com.fauna.exception.AuthorizationException
ERROR_CODE - Static variable in exception com.fauna.exception.ContendedTransactionException
ERROR_CODE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
ERROR_CONSTRAINT_FAILURES_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
ERROR_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
ERROR_MESSAGE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
ErrorHandler - Class in com.fauna.exception
ErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.fauna.exception.ErrorHandler
ErrorInfo - Class in com.fauna.response
This class will encapsulate all the information Fauna returns about errors including constraint failures, and abort data, for now it just has the code and message.
ErrorInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.ErrorInfo
ErrorInfoWire - Class in com.fauna.response.wire
ErrorInfoWire() - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.wire.ErrorInfoWire
execute(Supplier<CompletableFuture<T>>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RetryHandler
ExponentialBackoffStrategy - Class in com.fauna.client
ExponentialBackoffStrategy.Builder - Class in com.fauna.client
Build a new ExponentialBackoffStrategy.


FALSE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
Fauna - Class in com.fauna.client
Fauna() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.Fauna
FaunaClient - Class in com.fauna.client
FaunaClient(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
FaunaColl - Annotation Type in com.fauna.annotation
Attribute used to indicate that a field should be ignored during encoding and decoding.
FaunaConfig - Class in com.fauna.client
FaunaConfig is a configuration class used to set up and configure a connection to Fauna.
FaunaConfig.Builder - Class in com.fauna.client
Builder class for FaunaConfig.
FaunaConfig.FaunaEndpoint - Class in com.fauna.client
FaunaConfig.FaunaEnvironment - Class in com.fauna.client
This class handles reading Fauna environment variables for the client.
faunaEndpoint() - Static method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.FaunaEnvironment
FaunaEndpoint() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.FaunaEndpoint
FaunaEnvironment() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.FaunaEnvironment
FaunaException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
FaunaException(String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.FaunaException
FaunaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.FaunaException
FaunaField - Annotation Type in com.fauna.annotation
Attribute used to specify properties of a field in a Fauna object.
FaunaFieldImpl - Class in com.fauna.annotation
FaunaFieldImpl(FaunaField) - Constructor for class com.fauna.annotation.FaunaFieldImpl
FaunaId - Annotation Type in com.fauna.annotation
Attribute used to indicate that the field is the Fauna ID.
FaunaIdImpl - Class in com.fauna.annotation
FaunaIdImpl(FaunaId) - Constructor for class com.fauna.annotation.FaunaIdImpl
FaunaIgnore - Annotation Type in com.fauna.annotation
Attribute used to indicate that a field should be ignored during encoding and decoding.
FaunaObject - Annotation Type in com.fauna.annotation
FaunaRequest - Class in com.fauna.client
This class represents a Fauna POST request body that can be serialized.
FaunaRequest(Query) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaRequest
FaunaRole - Class in com.fauna.client
Built-in roles defined at: docs.fauna.com.
FaunaScope - Class in com.fauna.client
FaunaScope(String, FaunaRole) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope
FaunaScope.Builder - Class in com.fauna.client
faunaSecret() - Static method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.FaunaEnvironment
FaunaStream<E> - Class in com.fauna.client
FaunaStream(Class<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.FaunaStream
FaunaTemplate - Class in com.fauna.query.template
Represents a template for constructing Fauna queries with placeholders for variable interpolation.
FaunaTemplate(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.template.FaunaTemplate
Constructs a new FaunaTemplate with the given string template.
FaunaTemplate.TemplatePart - Class in com.fauna.query.template
Represents a part of the template, which can either be a literal string or a variable placeholder.
FaunaTokenType - Enum in com.fauna.codec
Enumeration representing token types for Fauna serialization.
FaunaTs - Annotation Type in com.fauna.annotation
Attribute used to indicate that a field should be ignored during encoding and decoding.
FaunaType - Enum in com.fauna.codec
Field - com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
FIELD_NAME - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
FieldInfo - Class in com.fauna.mapping
FieldInfo(Field, String, Class<?>, Type[], CodecProvider, FieldType) - Constructor for class com.fauna.mapping.FieldInfo
FieldName - Class in com.fauna.mapping
FieldName() - Constructor for class com.fauna.mapping.FieldName
FieldType - Enum in com.fauna.mapping
flatten() - Method in class com.fauna.client.PageIterator
Return an iterator that iterates directly over the items that make up the page contents.
FloatCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
FloatCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.FloatCodec
flush() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Flushes the written data to the underlying buffer or stream.
fql(String) - Static method in class com.fauna.query.builder.Query
Creates a Query instance from a String.
fql(String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class com.fauna.query.builder.Query
Creates a Query instance from a String and arguments.
from(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistryKey
from(Class<T>, Type[]) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistryKey
fromInputStream(InputStream) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
fromTokenResponse(StreamTokenResponse) - Static method in class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest


Generic - Class in com.fauna.codec
A helper class for static access to parameterized generics for deserialization.
Generic() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.Generic
get() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.Query
Retrieves the list of fragments that make up this query.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryArr
Retrieves the encapsulated value of this fragment.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryFragment
Retrieves the value represented by this fragment.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryLiteral
Retrieves the string value of this fragment.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryObj
Retrieves the encapsulated value of this fragment.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryVal
Retrieves the encapsulated value of this fragment.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NonNullDocument
Get the wrapped value.
get() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullableDocument
get() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
get(CodecRegistryKey) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistry
get(CodecRegistryKey) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecRegistry
get(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.CodecProvider
get(Class<T>) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecProvider
get(Class<T>, Type[]) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.CodecProvider
get(Class<T>, Type[]) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecProvider
get(String) - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Gets the value associated with the specified key.
getAbort() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.AbortException
getAbort() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ErrorInfoWire
getAbort(Class<T>) - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.AbortException
getAbortString() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
getActualTypeArguments() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.ParameterizedOf
getAfter() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Page
getBody() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ProtocolException
getCause() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
Get the cause of the null document.
getCode() - Method in class com.fauna.response.ErrorInfo
getCode() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ErrorInfoWire
getCodec() - Method in class com.fauna.mapping.FieldInfo
getCodecClass() - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.Codec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseDocumentCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseRefCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BoolCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.CharCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ClassCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DoubleCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DynamicCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.EnumCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.FloatCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.InstantCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.IntCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ListCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LocalDateCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LongCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.MapCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ModuleCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.NullableDocumentCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.OptionalCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.PageCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryArrCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryLiteralCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryObjCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryValCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ShortCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StreamTokenResponseCodec
getCodecClass() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StringCodec
getCollection() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.NullDocumentException
getCollection() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Gets the collection to which the document belongs.
getCollection() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseRef
Gets the collection to which the ref belongs.
getCollection() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
Get the Collection associated with the null document.
getConstraintFailures() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ConstraintFailureException
getConstraintFailures() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
getConstraintFailures() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ErrorInfoWire
getCurrentTokenType() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getCursor() - Method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
getCursor() - Method in class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest
getData() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QuerySuccess
getData() - Method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
getData() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getData() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Gets a copy of the underlying data as a Map.
getData() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Page
getDelayMillis(int) - Method in class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy
getDelayMillis(int) - Method in class com.fauna.client.NoRetryStrategy
getDelayMillis(int) - Method in interface com.fauna.client.RetryStrategy
Return the number of milliseconds to delay the next attempt.
getEndpoint() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig
Gets the Fauna endpoint URL.
getEndToken() - Method in enum com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
getError() - Method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
getError() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns the Fauna error code associated with the failure.
getErrorCode() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
getFaunaSecret() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
getFaunaType() - Method in enum com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
getField() - Method in class com.fauna.mapping.FieldInfo
getFieldType() - Method in class com.fauna.mapping.FieldInfo
getFullMessage() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
getId() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.NullDocumentException
getId() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Document
Gets the string value of the document id.
getId() - Method in class com.fauna.types.DocumentRef
Gets the string value of the ref id.
getId() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
Get the ID of the null document.
getKey() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument.Entry
getLastSeenTxn() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryResponse
getLinearized() - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
getMaxRetryAttempts() - Method in class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy
getMaxRetryAttempts() - Method in class com.fauna.client.NoRetryStrategy
getMaxRetryAttempts() - Method in interface com.fauna.client.RetryStrategy
getMessage() - Method in class com.fauna.response.ConstraintFailure
getMessage() - Method in class com.fauna.response.ErrorInfo
getMessage() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
getMessage() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ConstraintFailureWire
getMessage() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ErrorInfoWire
getName() - Method in class com.fauna.mapping.FieldInfo
getName() - Method in class com.fauna.response.ConstraintFailure
getName() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ConstraintFailureWire
getName() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Module
getName() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NamedDocument
Gets the string value of the document name.
getName() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NamedDocumentRef
Gets the string value of the ref name.
getNullCause() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.NullDocumentException
getOwnerType() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.ParameterizedOf
getPart() - Method in class com.fauna.query.template.FaunaTemplate.TemplatePart
Retrieves the text of this part of the template.
getPaths() - Method in class com.fauna.response.ConstraintFailure
getPaths() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.ConstraintFailureWire
getQuery() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRequest
getQueryTags() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns a map of query tags for the failed query.
getQueryTags() - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
getQueryTags() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryResponse
getQueryTags() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getRawType() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.ParameterizedOf
getResponse() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns the QueryFailure response associated with the exception.
getRetryStrategy() - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions
getSchemaVersion() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
The schema version that was used for query execution.
getSchemaVersion() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryResponse
getSchemaVersion() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getSecret() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig
Gets the secret key used for authentication.
getStartTimestamp() - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions
getStartTs() - Method in class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest
getStaticType() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QuerySuccess
getStaticType() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getStats() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns the statistics for the failed query.
getStats() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryResponse
getStats() - Method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
getStats() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ProtocolException
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns the HTTP status code of the response returned by the query request.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
getStatusEvents() - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions
getSummary() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns a summary of the error.
getSummary() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryResponse
getSummary() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getSupportedTypes() - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.Codec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseDocumentCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseRefCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BoolCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.CharCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ClassCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DoubleCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DynamicCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.EnumCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.FloatCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.InstantCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.IntCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ListCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LocalDateCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LongCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.MapCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ModuleCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.NullableDocumentCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.OptionalCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.PageCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryArrCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryLiteralCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryObjCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryValCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ShortCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StreamTokenResponseCodec
getSupportedTypes() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StringCodec
getTaggedValueAsString() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getTimeoutMillis() - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
getTimestamp() - Method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
getToken() - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamTokenResponse
getToken() - Method in class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest
getToken(String) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope
getTraceParent() - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
getTs() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Gets the timestamp of the document.
getTxnTs() - Method in exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Returns the faled query's last transaction timestamp.
getTxnTs() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
getType() - Method in class com.fauna.mapping.FieldInfo
getType() - Method in class com.fauna.query.template.FaunaTemplate.TemplatePart
Retrieves the type of this part of the template.
getType() - Method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
getTypeCheck() - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
getValue() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryArr
getValue() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryLiteral
getValue() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryObj
getValue() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryVal
getValue() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument.Entry
getValue() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NonNullDocument
Get the wrapped value.
getValueAsBoolean() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsByte() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsByteArray() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsCharacter() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsFloat() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsInt() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsLocalDate() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsLong() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsModule() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsShort() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsString() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getValueAsTime() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
getVersion() - Static method in class com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment
Retrieves the software version from the "version.properties" file.


handleErrorResponse(int, QueryResponseWire, String) - Static method in class com.fauna.exception.ErrorHandler
Handles errors based on the HTTP status code and response body.
handleQueryFailure(int, QueryFailure) - Static method in class com.fauna.exception.ErrorHandler
Handles errors based on the HTTP status code and error code.
handleResponse(HttpResponse<String>, Codec<T>) - Static method in class com.fauna.response.QueryResponse
Handle a HTTPResponse and return a QuerySuccess, or throw a FaunaException.
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistryKey
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryArr
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryLiteral
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryObj
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryVal
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamTokenResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseRef
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.DocumentRef
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Module
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NamedDocument
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NamedDocumentRef
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NonNullDocument
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
hashCode() - Method in class com.fauna.types.Page
hasNext() - Method in class com.fauna.client.PageIterator


InstantCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
InstantCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.InstantCodec
Int - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
INT - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
IntCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
IntCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.IntCodec
InvalidRequestException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
InvalidRequestException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.InvalidRequestException
isClientGenerate() - Method in annotation type com.fauna.annotation.FaunaId
isClientGenerate() - Method in class com.fauna.annotation.FaunaIdImpl
isRetryable(Throwable) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.RetryHandler
iterator() - Method in class com.fauna.query.template.FaunaTemplate
Creates an iterator over the parts of the template, distinguishing between literals and variable placeholders.
iterator() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Returns an iterator over the elements in this document.


JAVA - com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver


LAST_SEEN_TXN_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
linearized - Variable in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
linearized(boolean) - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
ListCodec<E,​L extends java.util.List<E>> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
ListCodec(Codec<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ListCodec
listOf(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.Generic
ListOf<E> - Class in com.fauna.codec
ListOf stores the generic parameter class to evade type erasure during deserialization.
ListOf(Class<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.ListOf
LITERAL - com.fauna.query.template.TemplatePartType
Indicates a literal text part of the template.
local() - Static method in class com.fauna.client.Fauna
Create a Fauna client for local development using the Fauna Docker container.
LOCAL - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.FaunaEndpoint
LOCAL - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig
LocalDateCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
LocalDateCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LocalDateCodec
Long - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
LONG - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
LongCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
LongCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LongCodec


MapCodec<V,​L extends java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​V>> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
MapCodec(Codec<V>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.MapCodec
mapOf(Class<V>) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.Generic
MapOf<K extends java.lang.String,​V> - Class in com.fauna.codec
MapOf stores the generic parameter class to evade type erasure during decoding.
MapOf(Class<V>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.MapOf
Module - Class in com.fauna.types
Module - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
Module(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.Module
MODULE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
ModuleCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
ModuleCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ModuleCodec
MultiByteBufferInputStream - Class in com.fauna.response.wire
Joins a list of byte buffers to make them appear as a single input stream.
MultiByteBufferInputStream(List<ByteBuffer>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.wire.MultiByteBufferInputStream


name() - Method in annotation type com.fauna.annotation.FaunaField
name() - Method in class com.fauna.annotation.FaunaFieldImpl
named(String) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRole
NamedDocument - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents a document that has a "name" instead of an "id".
NamedDocument(String, Module, Instant) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.NamedDocument
Initializes a new instance of the NamedDocument class with the specified name, coll, and ts.
NamedDocument(String, Module, Instant, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.NamedDocument
Initializes a new instance of the NamedDocument class with the specified name, coll, ts, and additional data stored as key/value pairs on the instance.
NamedDocumentRef - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents a document ref that has a "name" instead of an "id".
NamedDocumentRef(String, Module) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.NamedDocumentRef
Constructs a new NamedRef object with the specified name and collection.
next() - Method in class com.fauna.client.PageIterator
Get the next Page.
NO_RETRY_STRATEGY - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
NONE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
NonNullDocument<T> - Class in com.fauna.types
NonNullDocument(T) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.NonNullDocument
NoRetryStrategy - Class in com.fauna.client
NoRetryStrategy() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.NoRetryStrategy
Null - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
NULL - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
NullableDocument<T> - Class in com.fauna.types
NullableDocument(T) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.NullableDocument
NullableDocumentCodec<E,​L extends NullableDocument<E>> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
NullableDocumentCodec(Codec<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.NullableDocumentCodec
nullableDocumentOf(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.Generic
NullableDocumentOf<E> - Class in com.fauna.codec
NullableDocumentOf stores the generic parameter class to evade type erasure during deserialization.
NullableDocumentOf(Class<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.NullableDocumentOf
NullDocument<T> - Class in com.fauna.types
NullDocument(String, Module, String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.NullDocument
NullDocumentException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
NullDocumentException(String, Module, String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.NullDocumentException


Object - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
of(List<E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryArr
of(Map<String, E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryObj
onComplete() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaStream
onError(Throwable) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaStream
onNext(List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaStream
onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaStream
OptionalCodec<E,​L extends java.util.Optional<E>> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
OptionalCodec(Codec<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.OptionalCodec
optionalOf(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.Generic
OptionalOf<V> - Class in com.fauna.codec
OptionalOf stores the generic parameter class to evade type erasure during deserialization.
OptionalOf(Class<V>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.OptionalOf


Page<T> - Class in com.fauna.types
Represents a page in a dataset for pagination.
Page(List<T>, String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.types.Page
PageCodec<E,​L extends Page<E>> - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
PageCodec(Codec<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.PageCodec
PageIterator<E> - Class in com.fauna.client
PageIterator iterates over paged responses from Fauna, the default page size is 16.
PageIterator(FaunaClient, Query, Class<E>, QueryOptions) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.PageIterator
Construct a new PageIterator.
PageIterator(FaunaClient, Page<E>, Class<E>, QueryOptions) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.PageIterator
pageOf(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.codec.Generic
PageOf<V> - Class in com.fauna.codec
PageOf stores the generic parameter class to evade type erasure during deserialization.
PageOf(Class<V>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.PageOf
paginate(Query, Class<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Send a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and return a paginated result.
paginate(Query, Class<E>, QueryOptions) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Send a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and return a paginated result.
ParameterizedOf<T> - Class in com.fauna.codec
ParameterizedOf(Type, Type[]) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.ParameterizedOf
parse(JsonParser, Codec<E>) - Static method in class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
parseStats(JsonParser) - Static method in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
PassThroughDeserializer - Class in com.fauna.codec.json
PassThroughDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.json.PassThroughDeserializer
processingTimeMs - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
ProtocolException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ProtocolException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ProtocolException
ProtocolException(Throwable, int, String) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ProtocolException
put(CodecRegistryKey, Codec<T>) - Method in interface com.fauna.codec.CodecRegistry
put(CodecRegistryKey, Codec<T>) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecRegistry


query(Query) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
query(Query, ParameterizedOf<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
query(Query, ParameterizedOf<E>, QueryOptions) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
query(Query, Class<T>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
query(Query, Class<T>, QueryOptions) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
Query - Class in com.fauna.query.builder
Represents a Fauna query that is constructed from fragments.
Query(String, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.builder.Query
Construct a Query from the given template String and args.
QUERY_TAGS_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
QueryArr<E extends QueryFragment> - Class in com.fauna.query.builder
Represents a value fragment of a Fauna query.
QueryArr(List<E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryArr
Constructs a ValueFragment with the specified value.
QueryArrCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
QueryArrCodec(CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryArrCodec
QueryCheckException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
QueryCheckException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.QueryCheckException
QueryCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
QueryCodec(CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryCodec
QueryFailure - Class in com.fauna.response
QueryFailure(int, QueryResponseWire) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.QueryFailure
Initializes a new instance of the QueryFailure class, parsing the provided raw response to extract error information.
QueryFragment<T> - Class in com.fauna.query.builder
An abstract class serving as a base for different types of query fragments.
QueryFragment() - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryFragment
QueryLiteral - Class in com.fauna.query.builder
Represents a literal fragment of a Fauna query.
QueryLiteral(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryLiteral
Constructs a new LiteralFragment with the given literal value.
QueryLiteralCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
QueryLiteralCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryLiteralCodec
QueryObj<E extends QueryFragment> - Class in com.fauna.query.builder
Represents an object fragment of a Fauna query.
QueryObj(Map<String, E>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryObj
Constructs a QueryObj with the specified value.
QueryObjCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
QueryObjCodec(CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryObjCodec
QueryOptions - Class in com.fauna.query
QueryOptions(QueryOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions
QueryOptions.Builder - Class in com.fauna.query
queryRequestBuilder(FaunaConfig) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
QueryResponse - Class in com.fauna.response
QueryResponseWire - Class in com.fauna.response.wire
QueryResponseWire() - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.wire.QueryResponseWire
QueryRuntimeException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
QueryRuntimeException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.QueryRuntimeException
QueryStats - Class in com.fauna.response
QueryStats(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
QuerySuccess<T> - Class in com.fauna.response
QuerySuccess(Codec<T>, QueryResponseWire) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.QuerySuccess
Initializes a new instance of the QuerySuccess class, decoding the query response into the specified type.
queryTags - Variable in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
queryTags(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
QueryTags() - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder.QueryTags
QueryTagsDeserializer - Class in com.fauna.codec.json
QueryTagsDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.json.QueryTagsDeserializer
queryTimeMs - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
QueryTimeoutException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
QueryTimeoutException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.QueryTimeoutException
QueryVal<T> - Class in com.fauna.query.builder
Represents a value fragment of a Fauna query.
QueryVal(T) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.builder.QueryVal
Constructs a ValueFragment with the specified value.
QueryValCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
QueryValCodec(CodecProvider) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.QueryValCodec


rateLimitsHit - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
read() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
read() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.MultiByteBufferInputStream
readOps - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
Ref - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
REMOVE - com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
RequestBuilder - Class in com.fauna.client
The RequestBuilder class is responsible for building HTTP requests for communicating with Fauna.
RequestBuilder(HttpRequest.Builder) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder(URI, String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
RequestBuilder.QueryTags - Class in com.fauna.client
reset() - Method in class com.fauna.response.wire.MultiByteBufferInputStream
ResponseFields - Class in com.fauna.constants
ResponseFields() - Constructor for class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
rethrow(Throwable) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RetryHandler
RetryableException - Interface in com.fauna.exception
RetryHandler<T> - Class in com.fauna.client
A retry handler controls the retries for a particular request.
RetryHandler(RetryStrategy) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.RetryHandler
Construct a new retry handler instance.
retryStrategy - Variable in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
RetryStrategy - Interface in com.fauna.client
This client comes with an ExponentialRetryStrategy, and it is recommended that users stick with that.
role - Variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope.Builder


SCALA - com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver
SCHEMA_VERSION_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
scoped(FaunaClient, String) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.Fauna
Create a new Fauna client that wraps an existing client, but is scoped to a specific database.
scoped(FaunaClient, String, FaunaRole) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.Fauna
Create a new Fauna client that wraps an existing client, but is scoped to a specific database.
ScopedFaunaClient - Class in com.fauna.client
ScopedFaunaClient(FaunaClient, FaunaScope) - Constructor for class com.fauna.client.ScopedFaunaClient
scopedRequestBuilder(String) - Method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
secret(String) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaConfig.Builder
Sets the secret key.
serialize() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
SERVER - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRole
SERVER_READ_ONLY - Static variable in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRole
ServerGeneratedId - com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
ServiceException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
An exception representing a query failure returned by Fauna.
ServiceException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceException
Constructs a new ServiceException with the specified QueryFailure response.
ServiceInternalException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ServiceInternalException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ServiceInternalException
Set - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
setMaxAttempts(int) - Method in class com.fauna.client.ExponentialBackoffStrategy.Builder
ShortCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
ShortCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ShortCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BoolCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteArrayCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ByteCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.CharCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.DoubleCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.FloatCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.IntCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LongCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ShortCodec
singleton - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StringCodec
SINGLETON - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseRefCodec
SINGLETON - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.InstantCodec
SINGLETON - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.LocalDateCodec
SINGLETON - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.ModuleCodec
SINGLETON - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecProvider
SINGLETON - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.DefaultCodecRegistry
size() - Method in class com.fauna.types.BaseDocument
Gets the count of key-value pairs contained in the document.
skip() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser
START_ARRAY - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
START_DOCUMENT - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
START_OBJECT - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
START_PAGE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
START_REF - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
startTimestamp - Variable in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
STATIC_TYPE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_COMPUTE_OPS_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_CONTENTION_RETRIES - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_PROCESSING_TIME_MS - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_QUERY_TIME_MS - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_RATE_LIMITS_HIT - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_READ_OPS - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_STORAGE_BYTES_READ - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_STORAGE_BYTES_WRITE - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATS_WRITE_OPS - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STATUS - com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
statusEvents - Variable in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
storageBytesRead - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
storageBytesWrite - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
stream(Query, Class<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Start a Fauna stream based on an FQL query.
stream(StreamRequest, Class<E>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaClient
Send a request to the Fauna stream endpoint to start a stream, and return a FaunaStream publisher.
Stream - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
STREAM - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
STREAM_CURSOR_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
STREAM_TYPE_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields
StreamEvent<E> - Class in com.fauna.response
StreamEvent(StreamEvent.EventType, String, Long, E, QueryStats, ErrorInfoWire) - Constructor for class com.fauna.response.StreamEvent
StreamEvent.EventType - Enum in com.fauna.response
StreamOptions - Class in com.fauna.query
StreamOptions(StreamOptions.Builder) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions
StreamOptions.Builder - Class in com.fauna.query
StreamRequest - Class in com.fauna.stream
This class defines the request body expected by the fauna /stream endpoint.
StreamRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest
StreamRequest(String, Long) - Constructor for class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest
StreamRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.stream.StreamRequest
streamRequestBuilder(FaunaConfig) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.RequestBuilder
StreamTokenResponse - Class in com.fauna.query
StreamTokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.StreamTokenResponse
StreamTokenResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.StreamTokenResponse
StreamTokenResponseCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
StreamTokenResponseCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StreamTokenResponseCodec
String - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
STRING - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
StringCodec - Class in com.fauna.codec.codecs
StringCodec() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.codecs.StringCodec
subscribe(Flow.Subscriber<? super StreamEvent<E>>) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaStream
SUMMARY_FIELD_NAME - Static variable in class com.fauna.constants.ResponseFields


TAGS - Static variable in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseCodec
TemplatePart(String, TemplatePartType) - Constructor for class com.fauna.query.template.FaunaTemplate.TemplatePart
Constructs a new TemplatePart with the given text and type.
TemplatePartType - Enum in com.fauna.query.template
Represents the type of template part within a FaunaTemplate.
ThrottlingException - Exception in com.fauna.exception
ThrottlingException(QueryFailure) - Constructor for exception com.fauna.exception.ThrottlingException
Time - com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
TIME - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
timeout - Variable in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
timeout(Duration) - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
toFragment(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class com.fauna.query.template.FaunaTemplate.TemplatePart
toString() - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRole
toString() - Method in class com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment
toString() - Method in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
traceParent - Variable in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
traceParent(String) - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
TRUE - com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
Ts - com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
typeCheck - Variable in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder
typeCheck(boolean) - Method in class com.fauna.query.QueryOptions.Builder


unexpectedTokenExceptionMessage(FaunaTokenType) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseCodec
unexpectedTypeWhileDecoding(Type) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseCodec
unsupportedTypeDecodingMessage(FaunaType, FaunaType[]) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseCodec
unsupportedTypeMessage(Type) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.codecs.BaseCodec
UPDATE - com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
UTF8FaunaGenerator - Class in com.fauna.codec
UTF8FaunaGenerator() - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Initializes a new instance of the FaunaGenerator class with a specified stream.
UTF8FaunaParser - Class in com.fauna.codec
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized data.
UTF8FaunaParser(JsonParser) - Constructor for class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaParser


validateRoleName(String) - Static method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaRole
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fauna.query.template.TemplatePartType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.fauna.codec.FaunaTokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.fauna.codec.FaunaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.fauna.env.DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.fauna.mapping.FieldType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.fauna.query.template.TemplatePartType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.fauna.response.StreamEvent.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VARIABLE - com.fauna.query.template.TemplatePartType
Indicates a variable placeholder part of the template.


withRetryStrategy(RetryStrategy) - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
withRole(FaunaRole) - Method in class com.fauna.client.FaunaScope.Builder
withStartTimestamp(long) - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
withStatusEvents(Boolean) - Method in class com.fauna.query.StreamOptions.Builder
writeBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a boolean value with a specific field name.
writeBooleanValue(boolean) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a boolean value to the stream.
writeByteArray(byte[]) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
writeBytesValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a byte array encoded as a base64 string as a tagged element.
writeCharValue(Character) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
writeDate(String, LocalDate) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a date value with a specific field name.
writeDateValue(LocalDate) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a date value as a tagged element.
writeDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a double value with a specific field name.
writeDoubleValue(double) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a double value as a tagged element.
writeDoubleValue(float) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a float value as a tagged element (@double).
writeEndArray() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the end of an array.
writeEndEscapedObject() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the end of a specially tagged object.
writeEndObject() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the end of an object.
writeEndRef() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the end of a reference object.
writeFieldName(String) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a field name for the next value.
writeInt(String, int) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes an integer value with a specific field name.
writeIntValue(int) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes an integer value as a tagged element.
writeLong(String, long) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a long integer value with a specific field name.
writeLongValue(long) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a long integer value as a tagged element.
writeModule(String, Module) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a module value with a specific field name.
writeModuleValue(Module) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a module value as a tagged element.
writeNull(String) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a null value with a specific field name.
writeNullValue() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a null value to the stream.
writeOps - Variable in class com.fauna.response.QueryStats
writeStartArray() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the beginning of an array.
writeStartEscapedObject() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the beginning of a specially tagged object.
writeStartObject() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the beginning of an object.
writeStartRef() - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes the beginning of a reference object.
writeString(String, String) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a string value with a specific field name.
writeStringValue(String) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a string value as a tagged element.
writeTaggedValue(String, String) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a tagged value in an object.
writeTime(String, Instant) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a time value with a specific field name.
writeTimeValue(Instant) - Method in class com.fauna.codec.UTF8FaunaGenerator
Writes a time value as a tagged element.
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