Class BaseFaunaClient

  • public final class BaseFaunaClient
    extends FaunaClient
    FaunaClient is the main client for interacting with Fauna. It provides functionality to send queries and receive responses.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BaseFaunaClient

        public BaseFaunaClient​(FaunaConfig faunaConfig,
                               RetryStrategy retryStrategy)
        Construct a new FaunaClient instance with the provided FaunaConfig and HttpClient. This allows the user to have complete control over HTTP Configuration, like timeouts, thread pool size, and so-on.
        faunaConfig - The Fauna configuration settings.
        httpClient - A Java HTTP client instance.
        retryStrategy - An implementation of RetryStrategy.
      • BaseFaunaClient

        public BaseFaunaClient​(FaunaConfig faunaConfig)
        Construct a new FaunaClient instance with the provided FaunaConfig, using default HTTP config and retry strategy.
        faunaConfig - The Fauna configuration settings.