Class FaunaClient

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FaunaClient​(java.lang.String secret)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<java.lang.Object>> asyncQuery​(Query fql)
      Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
      <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<E>> asyncQuery​(Query fql, ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType)
      Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
      <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<E>> asyncQuery​(Query fql, ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType, QueryOptions options)
      Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
      <T> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<T>> asyncQuery​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<T> resultClass)
      Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
      <T> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<T>> asyncQuery​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<T> resultClass, QueryOptions options)
      Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.
      <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<FaunaStream<E>> asyncStream​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
      Start a Fauna stream based on an FQL query, and return a CompletableFuture of the resulting FaunaStream publisher.
      <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<FaunaStream<E>> asyncStream​(StreamRequest streamRequest, java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
      Send a request to the Fauna stream endpoint, and return a CompletableFuture that completes with the FaunaStream publisher.
      protected java.lang.String getFaunaSecret()  
      <E> PageIterator<E> paginate​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
      Send a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and return a paginated result.
      <E> PageIterator<E> paginate​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<E> elementClass, QueryOptions options)
      Send a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and return a paginated result.
      QuerySuccess<java.lang.Object> query​(Query fql)
      Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
      <E> QuerySuccess<E> query​(Query fql, ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType)
      Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
      <E> QuerySuccess<E> query​(Query fql, ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType, QueryOptions options)
      Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
      <T> QuerySuccess<T> query​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<T> resultClass)
      Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
      <T> QuerySuccess<T> query​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<T> resultClass, QueryOptions options)
      Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.
      <E> FaunaStream<E> stream​(Query fql, java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
      Start a Fauna stream based on an FQL query.
      <E> FaunaStream<E> stream​(StreamRequest streamRequest, java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
      Send a request to the Fauna stream endpoint to start a stream, and return a FaunaStream publisher.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static final RetryStrategy DEFAULT_RETRY_STRATEGY

        public static final RetryStrategy NO_RETRY_STRATEGY
    • Constructor Detail

      • FaunaClient

        public FaunaClient​(java.lang.String secret)
    • Method Detail

      • getFaunaSecret

        protected java.lang.String getFaunaSecret()
      • asyncQuery

        public java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<java.lang.Object>> asyncQuery​(Query fql)
        Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.

        var future = client.asyncQuery(fql); ... do some other stuff ... var result = future.get().getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • asyncQuery

        public <T> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<T>> asyncQuery​(Query fql,
                                                                                      java.lang.Class<T> resultClass,
                                                                                      QueryOptions options)
        Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.

        CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<Document>> future = client.asyncQuery(fql, Document.class, null); ... do some other stuff ... Document doc = future.get().getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        resultClass - The expected class of the query result.
        options - A (nullable) set of options to pass to the query.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • asyncQuery

        public <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<E>> asyncQuery​(Query fql,
                                                                                      ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType,
                                                                                      QueryOptions options)
        Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.

        CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<List<int>>> future = client.asyncQuery(fql, Parameterized.listOf(int.class), null); ... do some other stuff ... List<int>> data = future.get().getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        parameterizedType - The expected class of the query result.
        options - A (nullable) set of options to pass to the query.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • asyncQuery

        public <T> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<T>> asyncQuery​(Query fql,
                                                                                      java.lang.Class<T> resultClass)
        Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.

        CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<Document>> future = client.asyncQuery(fql, Document.class); ... do some other stuff ... Document doc = future.get().getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        resultClass - The expected class of the query result.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • asyncQuery

        public <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<E>> asyncQuery​(Query fql,
                                                                                      ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType)
        Sends an asynchronous Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna.

        CompletableFuture<QuerySuccess<List<int>>> future = client.asyncQuery(fql, Parameterized.listOf(int.class)); ... do some other stuff ... List<int>> data = future.get().getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        parameterizedType - The expected class of the query result.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • query

        public QuerySuccess<java.lang.Object> query​(Query fql)
                                             throws FaunaException
        Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.

        var result = client.query(fql); var data = result.getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • query

        public <T> QuerySuccess<T> query​(Query fql,
                                         java.lang.Class<T> resultClass)
                                  throws FaunaException
        Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.

        QuerySuccess<Document> result = client.query(fql, Document.class); Document doc = result.getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        resultClass - The expected class of the query result.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • query

        public <E> QuerySuccess<E> query​(Query fql,
                                         ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType)
                                  throws FaunaException
        Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.

        QuerySuccess<List<int>>> result = client.query(fql, Parameterized.listOf(int.class)); List<int>> data = result.getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        parameterizedType - The expected class of the query result.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • query

        public <T> QuerySuccess<T> query​(Query fql,
                                         java.lang.Class<T> resultClass,
                                         QueryOptions options)
                                  throws FaunaException
        Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.

        QuerySuccess result = client.query(fql, Document.class, null); Document doc = result.getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        resultClass - The expected class of the query result.
        options - A (nullable) set of options to pass to the query.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • query

        public <E> QuerySuccess<E> query​(Query fql,
                                         ParameterizedOf<E> parameterizedType,
                                         QueryOptions options)
                                  throws FaunaException
        Sends a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and returns the result.

        QuerySuccess<List<int>>> result = client.query(fql, Parameterized.listOf(int.class), null); List<int>> data = result.getData();

        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        parameterizedType - The expected class of the query result.
        options - A (nullable) set of options to pass to the query.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • paginate

        public <E> PageIterator<E> paginate​(Query fql,
                                            java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
        Send a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and return a paginated result.
        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        elementClass - The expected class of the query result.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • paginate

        public <E> PageIterator<E> paginate​(Query fql,
                                            java.lang.Class<E> elementClass,
                                            QueryOptions options)
        Send a Fauna Query Language (FQL) query to Fauna and return a paginated result.
        fql - The FQL query to be executed.
        elementClass - The expected class of the query result.
        options - A (nullable) set of options to pass to the query.
        QuerySuccess The successful query result.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • asyncStream

        public <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<FaunaStream<E>> asyncStream​(StreamRequest streamRequest,
                                                                                      java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
        Send a request to the Fauna stream endpoint, and return a CompletableFuture that completes with the FaunaStream publisher.
        streamRequest - The request object including a stream token, and optionally a cursor, or timestamp.
        elementClass - The expected class <E> of the stream events.
        CompletableFuture A CompletableFuture of FaunaStream.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • stream

        public <E> FaunaStream<E> stream​(StreamRequest streamRequest,
                                         java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
        Send a request to the Fauna stream endpoint to start a stream, and return a FaunaStream publisher.
        streamRequest - The request object including a stream token, and optionally a cursor, or timestamp.
        elementClass - The expected class <E> of the stream events.
        FaunaStream A publisher, implementing Flow.Publisher<StreamEvent<E>> from the Java Flow API.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • asyncStream

        public <E> java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture<FaunaStream<E>> asyncStream​(Query fql,
                                                                                      java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
        Start a Fauna stream based on an FQL query, and return a CompletableFuture of the resulting FaunaStream publisher. This method sends two requests, one to the query endpoint to get the stream token, and then another to the stream endpoint. This method is equivalent to calling the query, then the stream methods on FaunaClient.
        fql - The FQL query to be executed. It must return a stream, e.g. ends in `.toStream()`.
        elementClass - The expected class <E> of the stream events.
        FaunaStream A publisher, implementing Flow.Publisher<StreamEvent<E>> from the Java Flow API.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.
      • stream

        public <E> FaunaStream<E> stream​(Query fql,
                                         java.lang.Class<E> elementClass)
        Start a Fauna stream based on an FQL query. This method sends two requests, one to the query endpoint to get the stream token, and then another request to the stream endpoint which return the FaunaStream publisher.

        Query = fql("Product.all().toStream()"); QuerySuccess<StreamTokenResponse> tokenResp = client.query(fql, StreamTokenResponse.class); FaunaStream<Product> faunaStream = StreamRequest(tokenResp.getData.getToken(), Product.class)

        fql - The FQL query to be executed. It must return a stream, e.g. ends in `.toStream()`.
        elementClass - The expected class <E> of the stream events.
        FaunaStream A publisher, implementing Flow.Publisher<StreamEvent<E>> from the Java Flow API.
        FaunaException - If the query does not succeed, an exception will be thrown.