All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbortException |
AfterToken |
AuthenticationException |
Exception thrown when an authentication error occurs in Fauna.
AuthorizationException |
Exception thrown when an authorization error occurs in Fauna.
BaseCodec<T> |
Abstract base class for implementing codecs to handle encoding and decoding operations for specific types.
BaseDocument |
Represents the base structure of a document with key-value pairs, a timestamp, and an associated collection.
BaseDocument.Entry |
Represents a key-value pair in the document.
BaseDocumentCodec |
BaseFaunaClient |
FaunaClient is the main client for interacting with Fauna.
BaseRef |
Represents a reference to a document within a collection.
BaseRefCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding FQL BaseRef instances.
BoolCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding FQL boolean values.
ByteArrayCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding FQL byte arrays.
ByteCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Byte values in Fauna's tagged data format.
CharCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Character values in Fauna's tagged data format.
ClassCodec<T> |
A codec for encoding and decoding Java classes, handling Fauna-specific annotations and types.
ClientException |
Exception representing client-side errors in Fauna.
ClientRequestException |
Exception representing errors related to client requests in Fauna.
ClientResponseException |
Exception representing errors in the client's response handling.
Codec<T> |
Interface for codecs, which handle the serialization and deserialization of specific types.
CodecException |
Exception representing errors encountered during encoding or decoding operations.
CodecProvider |
Interface for providing codecs.
CodecRegistry |
Interface defining a registry for codecs, which manage the serialization and deserialization of objects.
CodecRegistryKey |
Represents a unique key in the codec registry.
ConstraintFailure |
ConstraintFailure.Builder |
ConstraintFailure.PathElement |
ConstraintFailureException |
ContendedTransactionException |
DefaultCodecProvider |
Provides codecs for serialization and deserialization of various data types in Fauna.
DefaultCodecRegistry |
The default codec registry for Fauna serialization and deserialization.
Defaults |
Defines default constants used throughout the Fauna client.
Document |
Represents an immutable document with an ID, associated collection, timestamp, and optional key-value data.
DocumentRef |
Represents a reference to a specific document within a collection.
DoubleCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Double values in Fauna's tagged data format.
DriverEnvironment |
Provides information about the runtime environment of the Fauna driver.
DriverEnvironment.JvmDriver |
Enum representing the supported JVM drivers.
DynamicCodec |
Codec for dynamically encoding and decoding various FQL types.
EnumCodec<T> |
Codec for encoding and decoding Java Enum types in the Fauna tagged data format.
ErrorHandler |
Provides error handling based on error codes and HTTP status codes returned by Fauna.
ErrorInfo |
This class will encapsulate all the information Fauna returns about errors including constraint failures, and
abort data, for now it just has the code and message.
ErrorInfo.Builder |
ErrorMessages |
Defines standard error messages used throughout the Fauna client.
EventSource |
EventSourceCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding EventSource instances in the Fauna tagged format.
ExponentialBackoffStrategy |
Implements an exponential backoff strategy for retries.
ExponentialBackoffStrategy.Builder |
Builder class for the ExponentialBackoffStrategy.
Fauna |
FaunaClient |
A client to interact with the Fauna service, providing asynchronous and synchronous query execution,
pagination, and streaming features.
FaunaColl |
Attribute used to indicate that a field should be ignored during encoding and decoding.
FaunaConfig |
FaunaConfig is a configuration class used to set up and configure a connection to Fauna.
FaunaConfig.Builder |
Builder class for FaunaConfig.
FaunaConfig.FaunaEndpoint |
FaunaConfig.FaunaEnvironment |
This class handles reading Fauna environment variables for the client.
FaunaEvent<E> |
FaunaEvent.Builder<E> |
Builder class for constructing a FaunaEvent instance.
FaunaEvent.EventType |
Enum representing possible event types from a Fauna event source.
FaunaException |
Represents a general exception for errors encountered within the Fauna client.
FaunaField |
Attribute used to specify properties of a field in a Fauna object.
FaunaFieldImpl |
FaunaId |
Attribute used to indicate that the field is the Fauna ID.
FaunaIdImpl |
FaunaIgnore |
Attribute used to indicate that a field should be ignored during encoding and decoding.
FaunaObject |
Deprecated. |
FaunaRole |
FaunaScope |
Represents a FaunaScope, a structure that encapsulates a Fauna database and a role within that database.
FaunaScope.Builder |
A builder class for creating instances of FaunaScope.
FaunaStream<E> |
FaunaTemplate |
Represents a template for constructing Fauna queries with placeholders
for variable interpolation.
FaunaTemplate.TemplatePart |
Represents a part of the template, which can either be a literal string
or a variable placeholder.
FaunaTokenType |
Enumeration representing token types for Fauna serialization.
FaunaTs |
Attribute used to indicate that a field should be ignored during encoding and decoding.
FaunaType |
Enum representing various FQL data types used by Fauna for data storage and retrieval.
FeedIterator<E> |
FeedIterator iterates over Event Feed pages from Fauna.
FeedOptions |
Represents the options for configuring an Event Feed request in Fauna.
FeedOptions.Builder |
Builder class for constructing FeedOptions instances.
FeedPage<E> |
FeedPage.Builder<E> |
Builder class for constructing FeedPage instances.
FeedRequest |
FieldInfo |
Represents metadata for a Fauna document field in a class, including its name, type, associated codec,
and other properties used for serialization and deserialization.
FieldName |
Utility class for handling field names.
FieldType |
Enum representing the different types of fields that can be used in Fauna document field mappings.
FloatCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Float values in the Fauna tagged data format.
Generic |
A helper class for providing static access to parameterized generic types, aiding in
deserialization by circumventing type erasure.
InstantCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Instant values in Fauna's tagged data format.
IntCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Integer values.
InvalidRequestException |
Exception representing an invalid query request.
ListCodec<E,L extends java.util.List<E>> |
A codec for encoding and decoding lists of elements in Fauna's tagged data format.
ListOf<E> |
Represents a List with a specified element type, allowing for retention of the
generic type E during deserialization by circumventing type erasure.
LocalDateCodec |
A codec for encoding and decoding LocalDate in Fauna's tagged data format.
Logging |
A utility class for logging HTTP headers.
LongCodec |
A codec for encoding and decoding Long values in Fauna's tagged data format.
MapCodec<V,L extends java.util.Map<java.lang.String,V>> |
A codec for encoding and decoding Map values in Fauna's tagged data format.
MapOf<K extends java.lang.String,V> |
Represents a Map with String keys and a specified value type, allowing for
retention of the generic type V during deserialization by circumventing type erasure.
Module |
Represents a module in Fauna Query Language (FQL), which serves as a symbolic object
with associated methods.
ModuleCodec |
A codec for encoding and decoding Module in Fauna's tagged data format.
MultiByteBufferInputStream |
Joins a list of byte buffers to make them appear as a single input stream.
NamedDocument |
Represents a document identified by a "name" rather than an "id".
NamedDocumentRef |
Represents a reference to a document identified by a "name" instead of an "id".
NonNullDocument<T> |
Represents a document that is guaranteed to have a non-null value.
NoRetryStrategy |
Specifies that no retries will be made.
NullableDocument<T> |
Represents a generic document wrapper that may hold a value representing a document.
NullableDocumentCodec<E,L extends NullableDocument<E>> |
Codec for encoding and decoding NullableDocument types.
NullableDocumentOf<E> |
Represents a NullableDocument with a specified value type, allowing for retention
of the generic type E during deserialization by circumventing type erasure.
NullDocument<T> |
Represents a document that is explicitly null, providing information about the cause of its null state.
NullDocumentException |
OptionalCodec<E,L extends java.util.Optional<E>> |
Codec for encoding and decoding Optional types.
OptionalOf<V> |
Represents an Optional with a specified element type, allowing for retention of the
generic type V during deserialization by circumventing type erasure.
Page<T> |
Represents a page of data in a Fauna Set.
PageCodec<E,L extends Page<E>> |
Codec for encoding and decoding Fauna's paginated results.
PageIterator<E> |
PageIterator iterates over paged responses from Fauna, the default page size is 16.
PageOf<V> |
Represents a Page with a specified element type, allowing for retention of the
generic type V during deserialization by circumventing type erasure.
ParameterizedOf<T> |
A utility class that implements ParameterizedType to represent a type with specified
type arguments at runtime.
ProtocolException |
Exception representing protocol-level errors in communication with Fauna.
Query |
Represents a Fauna query that is constructed from multiple query fragments.
QueryArr<E extends QueryFragment> |
Represents a special type that allows Fauna to evaluate an array of individual
queries, each of which will be processed, and its result will be an element
in the returned array.
QueryArrCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding QueryArr objects.
QueryCheckException |
Exception representing a query validation error in Fauna.
QueryCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Query objects.
QueryFailure |
QueryFragment<T> |
An abstract class serving as a base for different types of query fragments.
QueryLiteral |
Represents a literal fragment of a Fauna query.
QueryLiteralCodec |
QueryObj<E extends QueryFragment> |
This class represents a special type of query fragment that allows users
to provide Fauna with an object whose values are individual queries.
QueryObjCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding QueryObj objects.
QueryOptions |
Encapsulates options for configuring Fauna queries, such as timeout,
linearized reads, typechecking, query tags, and trace parent for
distributed tracing.
QueryOptions.Builder |
Builder class for constructing instances of QueryOptions.
QueryResponse |
QueryResponse.Builder<T> |
QueryRuntimeException |
Exception representing a runtime error encountered during query execution in Fauna.
QueryStats |
QueryStatsSummary |
A class for representing aggregate query stats.
QuerySuccess<T> |
QueryTags |
A utility class representing a collection of query tags as a map of key-value pairs.
QueryTimeoutException |
Exception representing a timeout error encountered during query execution in Fauna.
QueryVal<T> |
Represents a value fragment of a Fauna query.
QueryValCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding QueryVal objects.
RequestBuilder |
The RequestBuilder class is responsible for building HTTP requests for communicating with Fauna.
RequestBuilder.FieldNames |
Field names for HTTP requests.
ResponseFields |
RetryableException |
Marker interface for exceptions that indicate a retryable operation.
RetryHandler<T> |
A retry handler controls the retries for a particular request.
RetryStrategy |
This client comes with an ExponentialRetryStrategy, and it is recommended that users stick with that.
ScopedFaunaClient |
ScopedFaunaClient is a subclass of FaunaClient that applies a scope to the client,
limiting the actions and requests to the specified scope.
ServiceException |
An exception representing a query failure returned by Fauna.
ServiceInternalException |
Exception representing an unexpected internal server error in Fauna.
ShortCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding Short values.
StatsCollector |
StatsCollectorImpl |
StreamOptions |
StreamOptions.Builder |
Builder class for constructing StreamOptions instances.
StreamRequest |
Defines the request body for interacting with the Fauna /stream endpoint.
StringCodec |
Codec for encoding and decoding String values.
TemplatePartType |
Represents the type of template part within a FaunaTemplate.
ThrottlingException |
UTF8FaunaGenerator |
A generator for encoding JSON with Fauna-specific tagged values and other data types.
UTF8FaunaParser |
Represents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized data.