Decoder |
FaunaDB Value to object decoder.
Encoder |
FaunaDB object to Value encoder.
Field<T> |
A field extractor for a FaunaDB Value .
MetricsResponse |
An aggregation type which consists of Value instance and extra information of response.
Result<T> |
Represents the result of an operation.
Types |
Helper class which contains convenience methods for creating types used to decode types.
Value |
Value represents query responses from FaunaDB.
Value.ArrayV |
Represents an array value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.BooleanV |
Represents a boolean value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.BytesV |
Represents a blob value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.DateV |
Represents a date value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.DoubleV |
Represents a double value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.LongV |
Represents a long value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.Native |
Builtin reference types.
Value.NullV |
Represents a null value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.ObjectV |
Represents an Object value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.QueryV |
Represents a query value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.RefID |
Value.RefV |
A FaunaDB reference type.
Value.SetRefV |
A FaunaDB set literal.
Value.StringV |
Represents a string value in the FaunaDB query language.
Value.TimeV |
Represents a timestamp value in the FaunaDB query language.