Fauna v10 .NET/C# Driver 0.3.0-beta
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Fauna.Core.QueryResponse Class Referenceabstract

Represents the response from a query executed. More...

Inheritance diagram for Fauna.Core.QueryResponse:
Fauna.Core.QueryFailure Fauna.Core.QuerySuccess< T >

Static Public Member Functions

static ? QueryResponse GetFromResponseBody< T > (MappingContext ctx, ISerializer< T > serializer, HttpStatusCode statusCode, string body)
 Asynchronously parses the HTTP response message to create a QueryResponse instance.


JsonElement RawJson [get]
long LastSeenTxn [get]
 Gets the last transaction seen by this query.
long SchemaVersion [get]
 Gets the schema version.
string Summary = "" [get]
 Gets a summary of the query execution.
Dictionary< string, string > QueryTags = new() [get]
 Gets a dictionary of query tags, providing additional context about the query.
QueryStats Stats [get]
 Gets the statistics related to the query execution.

Detailed Description

Represents the response from a query executed.

Definition at line 13 of file QueryResponse.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetFromResponseBody< T >()

static ? QueryResponse Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.GetFromResponseBody< T > ( MappingContext ctx,
ISerializer< T > serializer,
HttpStatusCode statusCode,
string body )

Asynchronously parses the HTTP response message to create a QueryResponse instance.

Template Parameters
TThe expected data type of the query response.
ctxSerialization context for handling response data.
serializerA serializer for the success data type.
statusCodeThe HTTP status code.
bodyThe response body.
A Task that resolves to a QueryResponse instance.

Definition at line 93 of file QueryResponse.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ LastSeenTxn

long Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.LastSeenTxn

Gets the last transaction seen by this query.

Definition at line 20 of file QueryResponse.cs.

◆ QueryTags

Dictionary<string, string> Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.QueryTags = new()

Gets a dictionary of query tags, providing additional context about the query.

Definition at line 35 of file QueryResponse.cs.

◆ RawJson

JsonElement Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.RawJson

Definition at line 15 of file QueryResponse.cs.

◆ SchemaVersion

long Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.SchemaVersion

Gets the schema version.

Definition at line 25 of file QueryResponse.cs.

◆ Stats

QueryStats Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.Stats

Gets the statistics related to the query execution.

Definition at line 40 of file QueryResponse.cs.

◆ Summary

string Fauna.Core.QueryResponse.Summary = ""

Gets a summary of the query execution.

Definition at line 30 of file QueryResponse.cs.

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