30 public abstract override bool Equals(
object? otherObject);
46 return handler.Result();
Represents the abstract base class for constructing FQL queries.
void Serialize(MappingContext ctx, Utf8FaunaWriter writer)
Serializes the query into the provided stream.
bool Equals(Query? otherQuery)
Determines whether the specified Query is equal to the current query.
override int GetHashCode()
Returns a hash code for the current query.
override bool Equals(object? otherObject)
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current query.
static Query FQL(ref QueryStringHandler handler)
Constructs an FQL query using the specified QueryStringHandler.
Provides functionality for writing data in a streaming manner to a buffer or a stream.
Represents the base interface for a query fragment used for FQL query construction.
Provides a mechanism to build FQL query expressions using interpolated strings. This structure collec...