The following protocols are available globally.
protocol is used to specify how a FaunaDB value returned by the server is converted to other Swift data structures.For example:
struct Point { let x, y: Int } extension Point: Decodable { init?(value: Value) throws { try self.init( x: value.get("data", "position", "x") ?? 0 y: value.get("data", "position", "y") ?? 0 } } //... let point: Point? = databaseValue.get()
Documentation describing data conversion can be found in the
See moreFaunaDB.Field
public protocol Decodable
is the top level of the query language expression tree.For convenience, some native types are considered valid expressions:
, andDate
The FaunaDB query language is a non-typed expression based language. You can think about it as an actual programming language.
In order to express an non-typed language in a typed language like Swift, we need to remove the types from the provided DSL so that we don’t restrict function composition with type constraints.
In practice, query language functions will always receive and return pure
types. That means you can compose your queries by combining functions together.For example:
// Just return a reference to an user client.query( Ref("classes/users/42") ) // Combine Ref and Get to return the user entry client.query( Get( Ref("classes/users/42") ) ) // Combine Ref, Get, and Select to return the user name client.query( Select( path: "data", "name" from: Get( Ref("classes/users/42") ) ) )
public protocol Expr
protocol is used to specify how a Swift data structure is converted to a valid FaunaDB value when sending data to the server.For example:
See morestruct Point { let x, y: Int } extension Point: Encodable { func encode() -> Expr { return Obj( "x" => x, "y" => y ) } } //... client.query( Create( at: Class("points"), Obj("data" => Point(x: 10, y: 15)) ) )
public protocol Encodable: Expr
Represents a path segment to a field value. See
for more information.Declaration
public protocol Segment
is the top level of the value tree hierarchy. It represents a valid FaunaDB entry returned by the server.Traversal API
You can use the traversal API to traverse and convert a database entry to an native type.
The traversal API uses type inference to convert the returned value to the desired type.
The traversal API methods are shortcuts for field extractors. See
for more information.Examples of field extractions and type conversions:
See more// Attempts to convert the root value to a String let name: String? = try! value.get() // Transverses to the path "array" -> 1 -> "value" and // attempts to convert its result to an Int let count: Int? = try! value.get("array", 1, "count") // Using a predefined field let nameField = Field<String>("data", "name") let name = try! value.get(field: nameField) // Extracting an array let tags1 = try! value .at("data") .get(asArrayOf: Field<String>()) let tags2: [String] = try! value.get("data") // Extracting a dictionary let nickNamesByName1 = try! value .at("data") .get(asDictionaryOf: Field<String>()) let nickNamesByName2: [String: String] = try! value.get("data") // Extracting a struct that implements // FaunaDB.Decodable let blogPost: Post = try! value.get("data")!
public protocol Value: Expr, CustomStringConvertible