Module faunadb.streams.subscription

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from .client import Connection
from .dispatcher import EventDispatcher

class Subscription(object):
    A stream subscription which dispatches events received to the registered
    listener functions. This class must be constructed via the FaunaClient stream
    def __init__(self, client, expression, options=None):
        self._client = Connection(client, expression, options)
        self._dispatcher = EventDispatcher()

    def start(self):
        Initiates the underlying subscription network calls.

    def on(self, event_type, callback):
        Registers a callback for a specific event type.
        self._dispatcher.on(event_type, callback)

    def close(self):
        Stops the current subscription and closes the underlying network connection.

    def __repr__(self):
        return "stream:Subscription(state=%s, expression=%s, options=%s)"%(self._client._state,


class Subscription (client, expression, options=None)

A stream subscription which dispatches events received to the registered listener functions. This class must be constructed via the FaunaClient stream method.

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class Subscription(object):
    A stream subscription which dispatches events received to the registered
    listener functions. This class must be constructed via the FaunaClient stream
    def __init__(self, client, expression, options=None):
        self._client = Connection(client, expression, options)
        self._dispatcher = EventDispatcher()

    def start(self):
        Initiates the underlying subscription network calls.

    def on(self, event_type, callback):
        Registers a callback for a specific event type.
        self._dispatcher.on(event_type, callback)

    def close(self):
        Stops the current subscription and closes the underlying network connection.

    def __repr__(self):
        return "stream:Subscription(state=%s, expression=%s, options=%s)"%(self._client._state,


def close(self)

Stops the current subscription and closes the underlying network connection.

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def close(self):
    Stops the current subscription and closes the underlying network connection.
def on(self, event_type, callback)

Registers a callback for a specific event type.

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def on(self, event_type, callback):
    Registers a callback for a specific event type.
    self._dispatcher.on(event_type, callback)
def start(self)

Initiates the underlying subscription network calls.

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def start(self):
    Initiates the underlying subscription network calls.