Source: PageHelper.js

'use strict'

var query = require('./query')
var objectAssign = require('object-assign')

 * A FaunaDB Lambda expression to be passed into one of the collection
 * functions: Map or Filter.
 * @callback PageHelper~collectionFunction
 * @param {any} var
 *   The variable passed in by FaunaDB when this Lambda
 *   function is executed.
 * @return {Expr}
 *   The FaunaDB query expression to be returned by this Lambda.

 * @callback PageHelper~eachFunction
 * @param {Object} page
 *   A page returned by FaunaDB's Paginate function.

 * A wrapper that provides a helpful API for consuming FaunaDB pages.
 * Generally this is constructed through the {@link Client#paginate} method.
 * The {@link PageHelper#map} and {@link PageHelper#filter} methods will wrap the underlying query with a Map
 * and Filter query function, respectively. These will be executed on the server when a promise-returning function
 * is called.
 * The {@link PageHelper#each} and {@link PageHelper#eachReverse} functions dispatch queries to FaunaDB, and return Promises
 * representing the completion of those queries. The callbacks provided to these functions are executed locally when the
 * queries return.
 * The {@link PageHelper#nextPage} and {@link PageHelper#previousPage} functions also dispatch queries to FaunaDB,
 * but return their responses in a wrapped Promise.
 * @param {Client} client
 *   The FaunaDB client used to paginate.
 * @param {Object} set
 *   The set to paginate.
 * @param {?Object} params
 *   Parameters to be passed to the FaunaDB Paginate function.
 * @param {?Object} options
 *   Object that configures the current pagination, overriding FaunaDB client options.
 * @param {?string} options.secret FaunaDB secret (see [Reference Documentation](
 * @constructor
function PageHelper(client, set, params, options) {
  if (params === undefined) {
    params = {}

  if (options === undefined) {
    options = {}

  this.reverse = false
  this.params = {}

  this.before = undefined
  this.after = undefined

  objectAssign(this.params, params)

  var cursorParams = this.params.cursor || this.params

  if ('before' in cursorParams) {
    this.before = cursorParams.before
    delete cursorParams.before
  } else if ('after' in cursorParams) {
    this.after = cursorParams.after
    delete cursorParams.after

  this.options = {}
  objectAssign(this.options, options)

  this.client = client
  this.set = set

   * @member {Array.<Function>}
   * @type {Array.<Function>}
   * @private
  this._faunaFunctions = []

 * Wraps the set to be paginated with a FaunaDB Map function.
 * As this function is executed on the server, the `lambda` param must
 * return a valid query expression.
 * @param {PageHelper~collectionFunction} lambda
 *   The Lambda expression to be passed into the Map function.
 * @return {PageHelper}
 */ = function(lambda) {
  var rv = this._clone()
  rv._faunaFunctions.push(function(q) {
    return query.Map(q, lambda)
  return rv

 * Wraps the set to be paginated with a FaunaDB Filter funciton.
 * As this function is executed on the server, the `lambda` param must
 * return a valid query expression.
 * @param {PageHelper~collectionFunction} lambda
 *   The lambda expression to be passed into the Filter function.
 * @return {PageHelper}
PageHelper.prototype.filter = function(lambda) {
  var rv = this._clone()
  rv._faunaFunctions.push(function(q) {
    return query.Filter(q, lambda)
  return rv

 * Executes the provided function for each page.
 * @param {PageHelper~eachFunction} lambda
 *   A function to be executed for each page.
 * @returns {external:Promise.<void>}
PageHelper.prototype.each = function(lambda) {
  return this._retrieveNextPage(this.after, false).then(
    this._consumePages(lambda, false)

 * Executes the provided function for each page, in the reverse direction.
 * @param {PageHelper~eachFunction} lambda
 * @returns {external:Promise.<void>}
PageHelper.prototype.eachReverse = function(lambda) {
  return this._retrieveNextPage(this.before, true).then(
    this._consumePages(lambda, true)

 * Queries for the previous page from the current cursor point; this mutates
 * the state of the PageHelper when the query completes, updating the internal
 * cursor state to that of the returned page.
 * @returns {external:Promise.<object>}
PageHelper.prototype.previousPage = function() {
  var self = this
  return this._retrieveNextPage(this.before, true).then(

 * Queries for the next page from the current cursor point; this mutates
 * the state of the PageHelper when the query completes, updating the internal
 * cursor state to that of the returned page.
 * @returns {external:Promise.<object>}
PageHelper.prototype.nextPage = function() {
  var self = this
  return this._retrieveNextPage(this.after, false).then(

PageHelper.prototype._adjustCursors = function(page) {
  if (page.after !== undefined) {
    this.after = page.after

  if (page.before !== undefined) {
    this.before = page.before


PageHelper.prototype._consumePages = function(lambda, reverse) {
  var self = this
  return function(page) {

    var nextCursor
    if (reverse) {
      nextCursor = page.before
    } else {
      nextCursor = page.after

    if (nextCursor !== undefined) {
      return self
        ._retrieveNextPage(nextCursor, reverse)
        .then(self._consumePages(lambda, reverse))
    } else {
      return Promise.resolve()

 * @returns {external:Promise.<Object>}
 * @private
PageHelper.prototype._retrieveNextPage = function(cursor, reverse) {
  var opts = {}
  objectAssign(opts, this.params)
  var cursorOpts = opts.cursor || opts

  if (cursor !== undefined) {
    if (reverse) {
      cursorOpts.before = cursor
    } else {
      cursorOpts.after = cursor
  } else {
    if (reverse) {
      cursorOpts.before = null

  var q = query.Paginate(this.set, opts)

  if (this._faunaFunctions.length > 0) {
    this._faunaFunctions.forEach(function(lambda) {
      q = lambda(q)

  return this.client.query(q, this.options)

 * @private
 * @returns {PageHelper}
PageHelper.prototype._clone = function() {
  return Object.create(PageHelper.prototype, {
    client: { value: this.client },
    set: { value: this.set },
    _faunaFunctions: { value: this._faunaFunctions },
    before: { value: this.before },
    after: { value: this.after },
    params: { value: this.params },

module.exports = PageHelper