
  1from dataclasses import dataclass
  2from typing import Optional, Mapping, Any, List
  5class QueryStats:
  6  """Query stats"""
  8  @property
  9  def compute_ops(self) -> int:
 10    """The amount of Transactional Compute Ops consumed by the query."""
 11    return self._compute_ops
 13  @property
 14  def read_ops(self) -> int:
 15    """The amount of Transactional Read Ops consumed by the query."""
 16    return self._read_ops
 18  @property
 19  def write_ops(self) -> int:
 20    """The amount of Transactional Write Ops consumed by the query."""
 21    return self._write_ops
 23  @property
 24  def query_time_ms(self) -> int:
 25    """The query run time in milliseconds."""
 26    return self._query_time_ms
 28  @property
 29  def storage_bytes_read(self) -> int:
 30    """The amount of data read from storage, in bytes."""
 31    return self._storage_bytes_read
 33  @property
 34  def storage_bytes_write(self) -> int:
 35    """The amount of data written to storage, in bytes."""
 36    return self._storage_bytes_write
 38  @property
 39  def contention_retries(self) -> int:
 40    """The number of times the transaction was retried due to write contention."""
 41    return self._contention_retries
 43  @property
 44  def attempts(self) -> int:
 45    """The number of attempts made by the client to run the query."""
 46    return self._attempts
 48  @attempts.setter
 49  def attempts(self, value):
 50    self._attempts = value
 52  def __init__(self, stats: Mapping[str, Any]):
 53    self._compute_ops = stats.get("compute_ops", 0)
 54    self._read_ops = stats.get("read_ops", 0)
 55    self._write_ops = stats.get("write_ops", 0)
 56    self._query_time_ms = stats.get("query_time_ms", 0)
 57    self._storage_bytes_read = stats.get("storage_bytes_read", 0)
 58    self._storage_bytes_write = stats.get("storage_bytes_write", 0)
 59    self._contention_retries = stats.get("contention_retries", 0)
 60    self._attempts = 0
 62  def __repr__(self):
 63    stats = {
 64        "compute_ops": self._compute_ops,
 65        "read_ops": self._read_ops,
 66        "write_ops": self._write_ops,
 67        "query_time_ms": self._query_time_ms,
 68        "storage_bytes_read": self._storage_bytes_read,
 69        "storage_bytes_write": self._storage_bytes_write,
 70        "contention_retries": self._contention_retries,
 71        "attempts": self._attempts,
 72    }
 74    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(stats={repr(stats)})"
 76  def __eq__(self, other):
 77    return type(self) == type(other) \
 78        and self.compute_ops == other.compute_ops \
 79        and self.read_ops == other.read_ops \
 80        and self.write_ops == other.write_ops \
 81        and self.query_time_ms == other.query_time_ms \
 82        and self.storage_bytes_read == other.storage_bytes_read \
 83        and self.storage_bytes_write == other.storage_bytes_write \
 84        and self.contention_retries == other.contention_retries \
 85        and self.attempts == other.attempts
 87  def __ne__(self, other):
 88    return not self.__eq__(other)
 91class QueryInfo:
 93  @property
 94  def query_tags(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
 95    """The tags associated with the query."""
 96    return self._query_tags
 98  @property
 99  def summary(self) -> str:
100    """A comprehensive, human readable summary of any errors, warnings and/or logs returned from the query."""
101    return self._summary
103  @property
104  def stats(self) -> QueryStats:
105    """Query stats associated with the query."""
106    return self._stats
108  @property
109  def txn_ts(self) -> int:
110    """The last transaction timestamp of the query. A Unix epoch in microseconds."""
111    return self._txn_ts
113  @property
114  def schema_version(self) -> int:
115    """The schema version that was used for the query execution."""
116    return self._schema_version
118  def __init__(
119      self,
120      query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
121      stats: Optional[QueryStats] = None,
122      summary: Optional[str] = None,
123      txn_ts: Optional[int] = None,
124      schema_version: Optional[int] = None,
125  ):
126    self._query_tags = query_tags or {}
127    self._stats = stats or QueryStats({})
128    self._summary = summary or ""
129    self._txn_ts = txn_ts or 0
130    self._schema_version = schema_version or 0
132  def __repr__(self):
133    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" \
134           f"query_tags={repr(self.query_tags)}," \
135           f"stats={repr(self.stats)}," \
136           f"summary={repr(self.summary)}," \
137           f"txn_ts={repr(self.txn_ts)}," \
138           f"schema_version={repr(self.schema_version)})"
141class QuerySuccess(QueryInfo):
142  """The result of the query."""
144  @property
145  def data(self) -> Any:
146    """The data returned by the query. This is the result of the FQL query."""
147    return self._data
149  @property
150  def static_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
151    """If typechecked, the query's inferred static result type, if the query was typechecked."""
152    return self._static_type
154  @property
155  def traceparent(self) -> Optional[str]:
156    """The traceparent for the query."""
157    return self._traceparent
159  def __init__(
160      self,
161      data: Any,
162      query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]],
163      static_type: Optional[str],
164      stats: Optional[QueryStats],
165      summary: Optional[str],
166      traceparent: Optional[str],
167      txn_ts: Optional[int],
168      schema_version: Optional[int],
169  ):
171    super().__init__(
172        query_tags=query_tags,
173        stats=stats,
174        summary=summary,
175        txn_ts=txn_ts,
176        schema_version=schema_version,
177    )
179    self._traceparent = traceparent
180    self._static_type = static_type
181    self._data = data
183  def __repr__(self):
184    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" \
185           f"query_tags={repr(self.query_tags)}," \
186           f"static_type={repr(self.static_type)}," \
187           f"stats={repr(self.stats)}," \
188           f"summary={repr(self.summary)}," \
189           f"traceparent={repr(self.traceparent)}," \
190           f"txn_ts={repr(self.txn_ts)}," \
191           f"schema_version={repr(self.schema_version)}," \
192           f"data={repr(self.data)})"
196class ConstraintFailure:
197  message: str
198  name: Optional[str] = None
199  paths: Optional[List[Any]] = None
202class QueryTags:
204  @staticmethod
205  def encode(tags: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
206    return ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in tags.items()])
208  @staticmethod
209  def decode(tag_str: str) -> Mapping[str, str]:
210    res: dict[str, str] = {}
211    for pair in tag_str.split(","):
212      kv = pair.split("=")
213      res[kv[0]] = kv[1]
214    return res
class QueryStats:
 6class QueryStats:
 7  """Query stats"""
 9  @property
10  def compute_ops(self) -> int:
11    """The amount of Transactional Compute Ops consumed by the query."""
12    return self._compute_ops
14  @property
15  def read_ops(self) -> int:
16    """The amount of Transactional Read Ops consumed by the query."""
17    return self._read_ops
19  @property
20  def write_ops(self) -> int:
21    """The amount of Transactional Write Ops consumed by the query."""
22    return self._write_ops
24  @property
25  def query_time_ms(self) -> int:
26    """The query run time in milliseconds."""
27    return self._query_time_ms
29  @property
30  def storage_bytes_read(self) -> int:
31    """The amount of data read from storage, in bytes."""
32    return self._storage_bytes_read
34  @property
35  def storage_bytes_write(self) -> int:
36    """The amount of data written to storage, in bytes."""
37    return self._storage_bytes_write
39  @property
40  def contention_retries(self) -> int:
41    """The number of times the transaction was retried due to write contention."""
42    return self._contention_retries
44  @property
45  def attempts(self) -> int:
46    """The number of attempts made by the client to run the query."""
47    return self._attempts
49  @attempts.setter
50  def attempts(self, value):
51    self._attempts = value
53  def __init__(self, stats: Mapping[str, Any]):
54    self._compute_ops = stats.get("compute_ops", 0)
55    self._read_ops = stats.get("read_ops", 0)
56    self._write_ops = stats.get("write_ops", 0)
57    self._query_time_ms = stats.get("query_time_ms", 0)
58    self._storage_bytes_read = stats.get("storage_bytes_read", 0)
59    self._storage_bytes_write = stats.get("storage_bytes_write", 0)
60    self._contention_retries = stats.get("contention_retries", 0)
61    self._attempts = 0
63  def __repr__(self):
64    stats = {
65        "compute_ops": self._compute_ops,
66        "read_ops": self._read_ops,
67        "write_ops": self._write_ops,
68        "query_time_ms": self._query_time_ms,
69        "storage_bytes_read": self._storage_bytes_read,
70        "storage_bytes_write": self._storage_bytes_write,
71        "contention_retries": self._contention_retries,
72        "attempts": self._attempts,
73    }
75    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(stats={repr(stats)})"
77  def __eq__(self, other):
78    return type(self) == type(other) \
79        and self.compute_ops == other.compute_ops \
80        and self.read_ops == other.read_ops \
81        and self.write_ops == other.write_ops \
82        and self.query_time_ms == other.query_time_ms \
83        and self.storage_bytes_read == other.storage_bytes_read \
84        and self.storage_bytes_write == other.storage_bytes_write \
85        and self.contention_retries == other.contention_retries \
86        and self.attempts == other.attempts
88  def __ne__(self, other):
89    return not self.__eq__(other)

Query stats

QueryStats(stats: Mapping[str, Any])
53  def __init__(self, stats: Mapping[str, Any]):
54    self._compute_ops = stats.get("compute_ops", 0)
55    self._read_ops = stats.get("read_ops", 0)
56    self._write_ops = stats.get("write_ops", 0)
57    self._query_time_ms = stats.get("query_time_ms", 0)
58    self._storage_bytes_read = stats.get("storage_bytes_read", 0)
59    self._storage_bytes_write = stats.get("storage_bytes_write", 0)
60    self._contention_retries = stats.get("contention_retries", 0)
61    self._attempts = 0
compute_ops: int
 9  @property
10  def compute_ops(self) -> int:
11    """The amount of Transactional Compute Ops consumed by the query."""
12    return self._compute_ops

The amount of Transactional Compute Ops consumed by the query.

read_ops: int
14  @property
15  def read_ops(self) -> int:
16    """The amount of Transactional Read Ops consumed by the query."""
17    return self._read_ops

The amount of Transactional Read Ops consumed by the query.

write_ops: int
19  @property
20  def write_ops(self) -> int:
21    """The amount of Transactional Write Ops consumed by the query."""
22    return self._write_ops

The amount of Transactional Write Ops consumed by the query.

query_time_ms: int
24  @property
25  def query_time_ms(self) -> int:
26    """The query run time in milliseconds."""
27    return self._query_time_ms

The query run time in milliseconds.

storage_bytes_read: int
29  @property
30  def storage_bytes_read(self) -> int:
31    """The amount of data read from storage, in bytes."""
32    return self._storage_bytes_read

The amount of data read from storage, in bytes.

storage_bytes_write: int
34  @property
35  def storage_bytes_write(self) -> int:
36    """The amount of data written to storage, in bytes."""
37    return self._storage_bytes_write

The amount of data written to storage, in bytes.

contention_retries: int
39  @property
40  def contention_retries(self) -> int:
41    """The number of times the transaction was retried due to write contention."""
42    return self._contention_retries

The number of times the transaction was retried due to write contention.

attempts: int
44  @property
45  def attempts(self) -> int:
46    """The number of attempts made by the client to run the query."""
47    return self._attempts

The number of attempts made by the client to run the query.

class QueryInfo:
 92class QueryInfo:
 94  @property
 95  def query_tags(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
 96    """The tags associated with the query."""
 97    return self._query_tags
 99  @property
100  def summary(self) -> str:
101    """A comprehensive, human readable summary of any errors, warnings and/or logs returned from the query."""
102    return self._summary
104  @property
105  def stats(self) -> QueryStats:
106    """Query stats associated with the query."""
107    return self._stats
109  @property
110  def txn_ts(self) -> int:
111    """The last transaction timestamp of the query. A Unix epoch in microseconds."""
112    return self._txn_ts
114  @property
115  def schema_version(self) -> int:
116    """The schema version that was used for the query execution."""
117    return self._schema_version
119  def __init__(
120      self,
121      query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
122      stats: Optional[QueryStats] = None,
123      summary: Optional[str] = None,
124      txn_ts: Optional[int] = None,
125      schema_version: Optional[int] = None,
126  ):
127    self._query_tags = query_tags or {}
128    self._stats = stats or QueryStats({})
129    self._summary = summary or ""
130    self._txn_ts = txn_ts or 0
131    self._schema_version = schema_version or 0
133  def __repr__(self):
134    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" \
135           f"query_tags={repr(self.query_tags)}," \
136           f"stats={repr(self.stats)}," \
137           f"summary={repr(self.summary)}," \
138           f"txn_ts={repr(self.txn_ts)}," \
139           f"schema_version={repr(self.schema_version)})"
QueryInfo( query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, stats: Optional[QueryStats] = None, summary: Optional[str] = None, txn_ts: Optional[int] = None, schema_version: Optional[int] = None)
119  def __init__(
120      self,
121      query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None,
122      stats: Optional[QueryStats] = None,
123      summary: Optional[str] = None,
124      txn_ts: Optional[int] = None,
125      schema_version: Optional[int] = None,
126  ):
127    self._query_tags = query_tags or {}
128    self._stats = stats or QueryStats({})
129    self._summary = summary or ""
130    self._txn_ts = txn_ts or 0
131    self._schema_version = schema_version or 0
query_tags: Mapping[str, Any]
94  @property
95  def query_tags(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
96    """The tags associated with the query."""
97    return self._query_tags

The tags associated with the query.

summary: str
 99  @property
100  def summary(self) -> str:
101    """A comprehensive, human readable summary of any errors, warnings and/or logs returned from the query."""
102    return self._summary

A comprehensive, human readable summary of any errors, warnings and/or logs returned from the query.

stats: QueryStats
104  @property
105  def stats(self) -> QueryStats:
106    """Query stats associated with the query."""
107    return self._stats

Query stats associated with the query.

txn_ts: int
109  @property
110  def txn_ts(self) -> int:
111    """The last transaction timestamp of the query. A Unix epoch in microseconds."""
112    return self._txn_ts

The last transaction timestamp of the query. A Unix epoch in microseconds.

schema_version: int
114  @property
115  def schema_version(self) -> int:
116    """The schema version that was used for the query execution."""
117    return self._schema_version

The schema version that was used for the query execution.

class QuerySuccess(QueryInfo):
142class QuerySuccess(QueryInfo):
143  """The result of the query."""
145  @property
146  def data(self) -> Any:
147    """The data returned by the query. This is the result of the FQL query."""
148    return self._data
150  @property
151  def static_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
152    """If typechecked, the query's inferred static result type, if the query was typechecked."""
153    return self._static_type
155  @property
156  def traceparent(self) -> Optional[str]:
157    """The traceparent for the query."""
158    return self._traceparent
160  def __init__(
161      self,
162      data: Any,
163      query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]],
164      static_type: Optional[str],
165      stats: Optional[QueryStats],
166      summary: Optional[str],
167      traceparent: Optional[str],
168      txn_ts: Optional[int],
169      schema_version: Optional[int],
170  ):
172    super().__init__(
173        query_tags=query_tags,
174        stats=stats,
175        summary=summary,
176        txn_ts=txn_ts,
177        schema_version=schema_version,
178    )
180    self._traceparent = traceparent
181    self._static_type = static_type
182    self._data = data
184  def __repr__(self):
185    return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" \
186           f"query_tags={repr(self.query_tags)}," \
187           f"static_type={repr(self.static_type)}," \
188           f"stats={repr(self.stats)}," \
189           f"summary={repr(self.summary)}," \
190           f"traceparent={repr(self.traceparent)}," \
191           f"txn_ts={repr(self.txn_ts)}," \
192           f"schema_version={repr(self.schema_version)}," \
193           f"data={repr(self.data)})"

The result of the query.

QuerySuccess( data: Any, query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]], static_type: Optional[str], stats: Optional[QueryStats], summary: Optional[str], traceparent: Optional[str], txn_ts: Optional[int], schema_version: Optional[int])
160  def __init__(
161      self,
162      data: Any,
163      query_tags: Optional[Mapping[str, str]],
164      static_type: Optional[str],
165      stats: Optional[QueryStats],
166      summary: Optional[str],
167      traceparent: Optional[str],
168      txn_ts: Optional[int],
169      schema_version: Optional[int],
170  ):
172    super().__init__(
173        query_tags=query_tags,
174        stats=stats,
175        summary=summary,
176        txn_ts=txn_ts,
177        schema_version=schema_version,
178    )
180    self._traceparent = traceparent
181    self._static_type = static_type
182    self._data = data
data: Any
145  @property
146  def data(self) -> Any:
147    """The data returned by the query. This is the result of the FQL query."""
148    return self._data

The data returned by the query. This is the result of the FQL query.

static_type: Optional[str]
150  @property
151  def static_type(self) -> Optional[str]:
152    """If typechecked, the query's inferred static result type, if the query was typechecked."""
153    return self._static_type

If typechecked, the query's inferred static result type, if the query was typechecked.

traceparent: Optional[str]
155  @property
156  def traceparent(self) -> Optional[str]:
157    """The traceparent for the query."""
158    return self._traceparent

The traceparent for the query.

class ConstraintFailure:
197class ConstraintFailure:
198  message: str
199  name: Optional[str] = None
200  paths: Optional[List[Any]] = None
ConstraintFailure( message: str, name: Optional[str] = None, paths: Optional[List[Any]] = None)
message: str
name: Optional[str] = None
paths: Optional[List[Any]] = None
class QueryTags:
203class QueryTags:
205  @staticmethod
206  def encode(tags: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
207    return ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in tags.items()])
209  @staticmethod
210  def decode(tag_str: str) -> Mapping[str, str]:
211    res: dict[str, str] = {}
212    for pair in tag_str.split(","):
213      kv = pair.split("=")
214      res[kv[0]] = kv[1]
215    return res
def encode(tags: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
205  @staticmethod
206  def encode(tags: Mapping[str, str]) -> str:
207    return ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in tags.items()])
def decode(tag_str: str) -> Mapping[str, str]:
209  @staticmethod
210  def decode(tag_str: str) -> Mapping[str, str]:
211    res: dict[str, str] = {}
212    for pair in tag_str.split(","):
213      kv = pair.split("=")
214      res[kv[0]] = kv[1]
215    return res