Fauna .NET Driver 0.1.0-beta
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Package List
Here are the packages with brief descriptions (if available):
[detail level 1234]
 CAbortExceptionRepresents an exception that occurs when the FQL abort function is called. This exception captures the data provided during the abort operation
 CBadGatewayExceptionRepresents an exception thrown for a bad gateway. Corresponds to the 'bad_gateway' error code in Fauna
 CContendedTransactionExceptionRepresents an exception that occurs when a transaction is aborted due to concurrent modification. This exception is considered retryable after a suitable delay
 CFaunaExceptionRepresents the base exception class for all exceptions specific to Fauna interactions
 CForbiddenExceptionRepresents an exception thrown when access to a resource is not allowed. Corresponds to the 'forbidden' error code in Fauna
 CInvalidRequestExceptionRepresents exceptions caused by invalid requests to Fauna
 CIRetryableExceptionRepresents an interface for exceptions that are potentially recoverable through retrying the failed operation
 CProtocolExceptionRepresents exceptions when a response does not match the wire protocol
 CQueryCheckExceptionRepresents exceptions thrown when the query has syntax errors
 CQueryRuntimeExceptionRepresents exceptions thrown when the query fails at runtime
 CQueryTimeoutExceptionRepresents exceptions thrown when the query execution time exceeds the specified or default timeout period
 CServiceExceptionRepresents an exception related to Fauna service errors, particularly for query failures
 CThrottlingExceptionRepresents an exception that indicates some capacity limit was exceeded and thus the request could not be served. This exception is considered retryable after a suitable delay
 CTimeoutExceptionRepresents exceptions thrown when the query execution time exceeds the specified or default timeout period
 CUnauthorizedExceptionRepresents an exception thrown when there is an authorization error in Fauna. Corresponds to the 'unauthorized' error code in Fauna
 CFieldAttributeAttribute used to specify properties of a field in a Fauna object
 CObjectAttributeAttribute used to indicate that a class represents a Fauna document or struct
 CSerializationExceptionRepresents error that occur during serialization and deserialization of Fauna data
 CUtf8FaunaReaderRepresents a reader that provides fast, non-cached, forward-only access to serialized data
 CUtf8FaunaWriterProvides functionality for writing data in a streaming manner to a buffer or a stream
 CBaseDocumentRepresents the base structure of a document
 CDocumentRepresents a document
 CDocumentRefRepresents a document ref
 CModuleRepresents a module, a singleton object grouping related functionalities. Modules are serialized as @mod values in tagged formats, organizing and encapsulating specific functionalities
 CNamedDocumentRepresents a document that has a "name" instead of an "id". For example, a Role document is represented as a NamedDocument
 CNamedDocumentRefRepresents a document ref that has a "name" instead of an "id". For example, a Role document reference is represented as a NamedDocumentRef
 CNullDocumentRefRepresents a null reference to a document, including a reason for its null state
 CNullNamedDocumentRefRepresents a reference to a named document that is null, including a reason for its null state. This class extends NamedDocumentRef to provide additional context for null references in the database
 CBaseClientThe base class for Client and DataContext
 CClientRepresents a client for interacting with a Fauna
 CConnectionAn HTTP Client wrapper
 CErrorInfoContains detailed information about an error in a query response
 CIClientRepresents a client for interacting with a Fauna
 CIConnectionRepresents an interface for connections to a Fauna database
 CIQueryFragmentRepresents the base interface for a query fragment used for FQL query construction
 CQueryRepresents the abstract base class for constructing FQL queries
 CQueryExprRepresents an FQL query expression. This class encapsulates a list of IQueryFragment instances, allowing for complex query constructions
 CQueryFailureRepresents a failed query response
 CQueryLiteralRepresents a literal part of an FQL query. This class is used for embedding raw string values directly into the query structure
 CQueryOptionsRepresents the options for customizing Fauna queries
 CQueryResponseRepresents the response from a query executed
 CQueryStatsContains statistics related to the execution of a query in the Fauna database
 CQueryStringHandlerProvides a mechanism to build FQL query expressions using interpolated strings. This structure collects fragments and literals to construct complex query expressions
 CQuerySuccessRepresents a successful query response
 CQueryValRepresents a generic value holder for FQL queries. This class allows embedding values of various types into the query, with support for primitives, POCOs, and other types